Collagen production in the lower layers of the skin is stimulated by using sound waves in the non-surgical face lift procedure with ultrasound, that is, focused ultrasound. Sound waves focus on the desired depth of the tissue and cause minor heat damage.
Probes with appropriate depth are selected according to the area being studied. During the application, heat damage occurs in the tissue and collagen production is stimulated. In this way, skin tightening and facial stretching occur.
No damage occurs on the skin surface, it is not affected by the application.
It is done as a single session application of 30-60 minutes.
During the application, patients describe a pain in the form of pins and needles, electrification, burning.
After the application, there are no side effects other than mild redness, edema and sensitivity to touch that lasts for a few days. Patients can easily continue their daily activities.
Ultraskin begins to show its effect immediately and reaches its maximum level in the 3rd month. Its effect lasts for about 18 months, and it increases its effectiveness if it is done once a year.
In some patients, ultrasound alone is not enough. In these patients, gold thread can be applied 2-3 months after the ultraskin application, if deemed appropriate.